Friday, August 26, 2016

Successful eCommerce by Using Local Web Design and Web Development Companies

web design Massachusetts

If you are thinking of getting an e-commerce website built to sell your products online, using a local web design Massachusetts  company can be very beneficial if you follow these very simple rules:

Benefits for using a local web design company:

Face to Face Meetings.
Build a Relationship with the web company as an e-commerce website needs at least 1 year to become established.
Less expensive than using a large web company.
Smaller companies build themselves on reputation so they will try their hardest to deliver.
The Rules to follow when selecting which web company to use:
How does the web design Massachusetts company present themselves?

Check their website and take a look at how they present themselves, if they are a reputable and at the top of their game they will have a stunning website.

Check their portfolio

Once you narrow down your search take a look each companies portfolio, this again will show you if they can design and produce stunning websites.

Speak to their Customers

Once you have looked through their portfolio, select a few of their customers and give them a call. Ask them how the web company was to work with and what type of approach they took when giving a plan on how they could help you grow your e-commerce websites.

Check their search engine rankings

Once you have narrowed your search down to at least 3 web design companies you may be interested in using to build your e-commerce website, have a look at how their own website ranks on Google. The best way to do this is take a look at what keywords they have in the header of your browser bar and then type these into Google.

You need to do this for a few of the keyword terms and phrases that you find on a few pages of their website.

A good web design company needs to build websites with good SEO Practices.

Google Product Search

For me this is a must when it comes to launching a new e-commerce website. If the web design company know what they are doing they will create a product feed to Google's product search and this on its own can start generating traffic to your website and it should come as part of the initial cost.

Google Analytics

Another good practice that web design companies should follow is installing Google Analytics, this way they will be able to look at how your website is performing and how they can improve certain pages on your eCommerce site.

All the points above work as they are practices that companies I have worked for follow. More and more local web design companies are starting to use good web and SEO practices, and if you stick to the points above you should be getting a good e-commerce website and stimulating your local economy.

Tag : web design Massachusetts

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